Vape Technical Documentation

IoT E-ink Display Featuring LoRaWAN®
DS3604 is a reflective electrophoretic display offeringreadabilityand flexibility. The 4.2-inch active area contains 400x300pixelsand has 1-bit Black/White/Red full display capabilities. DS3604supports displaying up to 150 languages and other moduleslikepicture or QR code. Long-capacity batteries and ultra-lowpowerconsumption bring a long battery life of up to 5 years. DS3604 enables quickly modifying the displayedcontentremotely and locally through simple operationsandallowsremote management in bulk. Moreover, DS3604 canbeinstalledin multiple methods and be compliant with standardLoRaWAN®gateways and networks for more integrated applications.
Vape Detector Featuring LoRaWAN®
GS601 is a LoRaWAN® vape detector to detect vaping and smoking events and send alarms. With a collection of powerful embedded sensors, GS601 simultaneouslymeasures temperature, humidity, TVOC, PMparameterandmotion. When the environment changed reaches thepresetthreshold, the detector will trigger both LEDlight alarm and buzzer sound alarm. Apart from local alarms, GS601 can also report thenormalstatus of the device and alarm messages remotely by the use of LoRaWAN ® technology. Integrating with MilesightLoRaWAN ® gateway and Milesight Development platform,users can monitor all the sensor data and control thedeviceremotely and visually.
Sample BuildUp! School Vape/Some Detection Solution
Each sensor can be paired with one or many a e-ink display. One or two gateways per floor is recommended for guaranteed communication performance Live updates SMS, Chat, email, Push Notifications from BuildUp to selected group or individual users Custom API to third party platform or app available Sensors require 5VDC 1A with USB-C or PoE power Gateways require either USB-C power adapter or POE Gateways need to be connected to the Internet to communicate with BuildUp Platform, provide notifications and emails Secure, fully encrypted system. Demo account and test kit available upon request
IoT Solutions & Products Catalog
AI & Sensing Technology
UG56 LoRaWAN® Gateway
UG56 is a robust 8-channel indoor LoRaWAN ® gateway. AdoptingSX1302 chip and high-performance quad-core CPU, UG56supports connection with more than 2000 nodes. UG56haslineof sight up to 15 km and can cover about 2 kminurbanizedenvironment, which is ideally suited to smart building, smartindustries and many other indoor applications.
UG56 supports not only multiple back-haul backups withEthernet, Wi-Fi and cellular, but also has integrated mainstreamnetworkservers (such as TTI, ChirpStack, etc.), and built-in networkserverand Milesight IoT Cloud for easy deployment.
Vital signs monitoring and alerting platform for buildings

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